path: root/src
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1 files changed, 100 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/instance.cpp b/src/instance.cpp
index cc8ffeb..19c6b8b 100644
--- a/src/instance.cpp
+++ b/src/instance.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
+#include <regex>
namespace mastodonpp
@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ namespace mastodonpp
using std::sort;
using std::stoull;
using std::exception;
+using std::regex;
+using std::regex_search;
+using std::smatch;
Instance::Instance(const string_view hostname, const string_view access_token)
: _hostname{hostname}
@@ -158,24 +162,108 @@ vector<string> Instance::get_post_formats() noexcept
return _post_formats;
+Instance::ObtainToken::ObtainToken(Instance &instance)
+ : _instance{instance}
+ , _baseuri{instance.get_baseuri()}
+ auto proxy{_instance.get_proxy()};
+ if (!proxy.empty())
- debuglog << "Couldn't find metadata.postFormats.\n";
- _post_formats = {default_value};
- return _post_formats;
+ CURLWrapper::set_proxy(proxy);
- pos += searchstring.size();
- auto endpos{answer.body.find("],", pos)};
- string formats{answer.body.substr(pos, endpos - pos)};
- debuglog << "Extracted postFormats: " << formats << '\n';
- while ((pos = formats.find('"', 1)) != string::npos)
+ if (!_instance.get_access_token().empty())
- _post_formats.push_back(formats.substr(1, pos - 1));
- formats.erase(0, pos + 2); // 2 is the length of: ",
- debuglog << "Found postFormat: " << _post_formats.back() << '\n';
+ CURLWrapper::set_access_token(_instance.get_access_token());
+ if (!_instance.get_cainfo().empty())
+ {
+ CURLWrapper::set_cainfo(_instance.get_cainfo());
+ }
- return _post_formats;
+answer_type Instance::ObtainToken::step_1(const string_view client_name,
+ const string_view scopes,
+ const string_view website)
+ parametermap parameters
+ {
+ {"client_name", client_name},
+ {"redirect_uris", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"}
+ };
+ if (!scopes.empty())
+ {
+ _scopes = scopes;
+ parameters.insert({"scopes", scopes});
+ }
+ if (!website.empty())
+ {
+ parameters.insert({"website", website});
+ }
+ auto answer{make_request(http_method::POST, _baseuri + "/api/v1/apps",
+ parameters)};
+ if (answer)
+ {
+ const regex re_id{R"("client_id"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)\")"};
+ const regex re_secret{R"("client_secret"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)\")"};
+ smatch match;
+ if (regex_search(answer.body, match, re_id))
+ {
+ _client_id = match[1].str();
+ }
+ if (regex_search(answer.body, match, re_secret))
+ {
+ _client_secret = match[1].str();
+ }
+ string uri{_baseuri + "/oauth/authorize?scope=" + escape_url(scopes)
+ + "&response_type=code"
+ "&redirect_uri=" + escape_url("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob")
+ + "&client_id=" + _client_id};
+ if (!website.empty())
+ {
+ uri += "&website=" + escape_url(website);
+ }
+ answer.body = uri;
+ debuglog << "Built URI.";
+ }
+ return answer;
+answer_type Instance::ObtainToken::step_2(const string_view code)
+ parametermap parameters
+ {
+ {"client_id", _client_id},
+ {"client_secret", _client_secret},
+ {"redirect_uri", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"},
+ {"code", code},
+ {"grant_type", "client_credentials"}
+ };
+ if (!_scopes.empty())
+ {
+ parameters.insert({"scope", _scopes});
+ }
+ auto answer{make_request(http_method::POST, _baseuri + "/oauth/token",
+ parameters)};
+ if (answer)
+ {
+ const regex re_token{R"("access_token"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)\")"};
+ smatch match;
+ if (regex_search(answer.body, match, re_token))
+ {
+ answer.body = match[1].str();
+ debuglog << "Got access token.\n";
+ _instance.set_access_token(answer.body);
+ }
+ }
+ return answer;
} // namespace mastodonpp