-- This script may be used with the email-filter or repo.email-filter settings in cgitrc.
-- It adds gravatar icons to author names. It is designed to be used with the lua:
-- prefix in filters. It is much faster than the corresponding python script.
-- Requirements:
-- luacrypto >= 0.3
-- <http://mkottman.github.io/luacrypto/>
local crypto = require("crypto")
function filter_open(email, page)
buffer = ""
md5 = crypto.digest("md5", email:sub(2, -2):lower())
function filter_close()
html("<img src='//www.gravatar.com/avatar/" .. md5 .. "?s=13&d=retro' width='13' height='13' alt='Gravatar' /> " .. buffer)
return 0
function filter_write(str)
buffer = buffer .. str