path: root/src/archive/mastodon.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/archive/mastodon.cpp')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/archive/mastodon.cpp b/src/archive/mastodon.cpp
index 781f928..121c366 100644
--- a/src/archive/mastodon.cpp
+++ b/src/archive/mastodon.cpp
@@ -355,6 +355,96 @@ const QString MastodonArchive::get_html_status_text(ArchiveItemRef index) {
return text;
+APActor* MastodonArchive::get_main_actor() {
+ // Avoid recreating the Actor each time by caching it
+ if (actor) return actor;
+ // First, get the file
+ QString actor_filepath = archive_root_dir.filePath("actor.json");
+ if (not QFile::exists(actor_filepath)) return nullptr;
+ QFile actor_file(actor_filepath);
+ if (!actor_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+ return nullptr;
+ QJsonParseError json_error;
+ QJsonDocument actor_json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(actor_file.readAll(), &json_error);
+ actor_file.close();
+ if (json_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError or actor_json_document.isNull() or actor_json_document.isEmpty() or not actor_json_document.isObject())
+ return nullptr;
+ // Second, now check the JSON
+ QJsonObject actor_json(actor_json_document.object());
+ // Do some more throughful checks to make sure that the JSON is actually valid
+ // Please tell me if actor is not "actor.json" (also, i should instead first read actor.json to know the outbox file location, not the other way around as i've been doing since the beginning). Indeed, the checks are also quite random
+ if (not json_check_item(actor_json.value("@context"), "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams") or actor_json.value("outbox").toString() != "outbox.json")
+ return nullptr;
+ // Third, now parse the JSON :-D
+ {
+ APActorFields obj_fields;
+ // If the key doesn't exist then toString() will return a null QString
+ obj_fields.url = actor_json.value("id").toString();
+ obj_fields.username = actor_json.value("preferredUsername").toString();
+ obj_fields.display_name = actor_json.value("name").toString();
+ obj_fields.summary = actor_json.value("summary").toString();
+ obj_fields.manuallyApprovesFollowers = actor_json.value("manuallyApprovesFollowers").toBool();
+ obj_fields.discoverable = actor_json.value("discoverable").toBool();
+ obj_fields.joined_date = actor_json.value("published").toString();
+ if (actor_json.value("attachment").isArray()) {
+ QJsonArray table = actor_json.value("attachment").toArray();
+ for (auto pair_obj : table) {
+ QJsonObject pair = pair_obj.toObject();
+ // Not a PropertyValue, so better not continue with this pair (just in case it represents something else)
+ if (pair.value("type").toString() != "PropertyValue") {
+ qDebug() << "not a PropertyValue!";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pair.contains("name") && pair.contains("value")) {
+ obj_fields.keys.append(pair.value("name").toString());
+ obj_fields.values.append(pair.value("value").toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (actor_json.value("alsoKnownAs").isArray()) {
+ QJsonArray list = actor_json.value("alsoKnownAs").toArray();
+ for (auto id_obj : list)
+ obj_fields.also_known_as.append(id_obj.toString());
+ }
+ if (actor_json.value("icon").isObject()) {
+ APAttachmentFields att_fields;
+ QJsonObject attachment = actor_json.value("icon").toObject();
+ att_fields.media_type = attachment["mediaType"].toString();
+ att_fields.path = archive_root_dir.absoluteFilePath(attachment["url"].toString());
+ obj_fields.avatar = new APAttachment(att_fields);
+ }
+ if (actor_json.value("image").isObject()) {
+ APAttachmentFields att_fields;
+ QJsonObject attachment = actor_json.value("image").toObject();
+ att_fields.media_type = attachment["mediaType"].toString();
+ att_fields.path = archive_root_dir.absoluteFilePath(attachment["url"].toString());
+ obj_fields.header = new APAttachment(att_fields);
+ }
+ actor = new APActor(obj_fields);
+ // TODO: query type. it seems to be always "Person", but maybe if the account is a bot, it changes?
+ // The code also currently ignores possible featured tags and users
+ }
+ return actor;
void MastodonArchive::find_attachment_dir(QString example_attachment) {
// Find the root directory name of the attachment
QString root_name = example_attachment.split('/', Qt::SkipEmptyParts)[0];