cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # initalize pico_sdk from installed location # (note this can come from environment, CMake cache etc) set(PICO_SDK_PATH "/home/pi/pico/pico-sdk") # Pull in Pico SDK (must be before project) include(pico_sdk_import.cmake) project(pico-watch C CXX) add_compile_definitions(PICO_DEBUG_MALLOC PICO_DEBUG_MALLOC_LOW_WATER=1)# PICO_MALLOC_PANIC) # Increase heap size, this should leave: # sram_size = SRAM_END(=0x20042000) - SRAM_BASE(=0x20000000) = 0x42000 # stack_size = 0x800 (default) # heap_size = 0x5000 (changed) # mem_left = sram_size - (stack_size + heap_size) = 0x3c800 # If still having problems: see __malloc_current_mallinfo.arena variable in debugger. See also for arena definition. add_compile_definitions(PICO_HEAP_SIZE=0x5000) # Initialise the Pico SDK pico_sdk_init() # Add OLED library add_library(Oled oled/BitBang_I2C.c oled/BitBang_I2C.h oled/ss_oled.c oled/ss_oled.h ) target_link_libraries(Oled pico_stdlib hardware_i2c) # Main code add_executable(pico-watch pico-watch.cpp init.cpp init.hpp buttons.cpp buttons.hpp api.cpp api.hpp apps/home_menu.cpp apps/home_menu.hpp apps/main_clock.cpp apps/main_clock.hpp ) pico_set_program_name(pico-watch "pico-watch") pico_set_program_version(pico-watch "0.1") # To access uart on a Pico connected directly to a Raspberry Pi (4 B): `minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyS0` pico_enable_stdio_uart(pico-watch 1) # Add the standard library to the build target_link_libraries(pico-watch pico_stdlib) # Add any user requested libraries target_link_libraries(pico-watch Oled hardware_rtc hardware_sync # For use of __wfi() ) pico_add_extra_outputs(pico-watch)