#include #include "pico/stdlib.h" extern "C" { #include "hardware/rtc.h" } #include "pico/util/datetime.h" #include "oled/ss_oled.h" #include "api.hpp" #include "init.hpp" void Api::init() { if (!m_init_done) { init_display(); m_init_done = 1; } } void Api::init_display() { oledInit(&m_oled, OLED_128x64, 0x3d, 0, 0, 1, SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN, RESET_PIN, 1000000L); oledFill(&m_oled, 0,1); oledSetContrast(&m_oled, OLED_DEFAULT_CONTRAST); oledSetBackBuffer(&m_oled, m_ucBuffer); // Seems to be required to draw lines, rectangles… //oledSetTextWrap(&oled, true); } int Api::display_write_string(int iScrollX, int x, int y, char *szMsg, int iSize, int bInvert, int bRender) { return oledWriteString(&m_oled, iScrollX, x, y, szMsg, iSize, bInvert, bRender); } void Api::display_fill(unsigned char ucData, int bRender) { oledFill(&m_oled, ucData, bRender); } void Api::display_draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int bRender) { oledDrawLine(&m_oled, x1, y1, x2, y2, bRender); } void Api::display_draw_rectange(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint8_t ucColor, uint8_t bFilled) { oledRectangle(&m_oled, x1, y1, x2, y2, ucColor, bFilled); oledDumpBuffer(&m_oled, m_ucBuffer); // Write the back buffer, after experimentation, seems to be required when drawing this shape } void Api::display_draw_ellipse(int iCenterX, int iCenterY, int32_t iRadiusX, int32_t iRadiusY, uint8_t ucColor, uint8_t bFilled) { oledEllipse(&m_oled, iCenterX, iCenterY, iRadiusX, iRadiusY, ucColor, bFilled); oledDumpBuffer(&m_oled, m_ucBuffer); } void Api::display_write_buffer(uint8_t *pBuffer) { oledDumpBuffer(&m_oled, pBuffer); } int Api::display_write_pixel(int x, int y, unsigned char ucColor, int bRender) { return oledSetPixel(&m_oled, x, y, ucColor, bRender); } bool Api::datetime_get(datetime_t *t) { return rtc_get_datetime(t); }