/* cgit.c: cgi for the git scm * * Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Hjemli * * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (see COPYING for full license text) */ #include "cgit.h" #include "cache.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "html.h" #include "ui-shared.h" #include "ui-stats.h" #include "scan-tree.h" const char *cgit_version = CGIT_VERSION; void add_mimetype(const char *name, const char *value) { struct string_list_item *item; item = string_list_insert(xstrdup(name), &ctx.cfg.mimetypes); item->util = xstrdup(value); } struct cgit_filter *new_filter(const char *cmd, int extra_args) { struct cgit_filter *f; if (!cmd || !cmd[0]) return NULL; f = xmalloc(sizeof(struct cgit_filter)); f->cmd = xstrdup(cmd); f->argv = xmalloc((2 + extra_args) * sizeof(char *)); f->argv[0] = f->cmd; f->argv[1] = NULL; return f; } void config_cb(const char *name, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(name, "root-title")) ctx.cfg.root_title = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "root-desc")) ctx.cfg.root_desc = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "root-readme")) ctx.cfg.root_readme = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "css")) ctx.cfg.css = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "favicon")) ctx.cfg.favicon = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "footer")) ctx.cfg.footer = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "head-include")) ctx.cfg.head_include = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "header")) ctx.cfg.header = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "logo")) ctx.cfg.logo = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "index-header")) ctx.cfg.index_header = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "index-info")) ctx.cfg.index_info = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "logo-link")) ctx.cfg.logo_link = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link")) ctx.cfg.module_link = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "virtual-root")) { ctx.cfg.virtual_root = trim_end(value, '/'); if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root && (!strcmp(value, "/"))) ctx.cfg.virtual_root = ""; } else if (!strcmp(name, "nocache")) ctx.cfg.nocache = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "noplainemail")) ctx.cfg.noplainemail = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "noheader")) ctx.cfg.noheader = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots")) ctx.cfg.snapshots = cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-index-links")) ctx.cfg.enable_index_links = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount")) ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount")) ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats")) ctx.cfg.max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-size")) ctx.cfg.cache_size = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root")) ctx.cfg.cache_root = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-repo-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-static-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-dynamic-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter")) ctx.cfg.about_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter")) ctx.cfg.commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "embedded")) ctx.cfg.embedded = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-message-length")) ctx.cfg.max_msg_len = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repodesc-length")) ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repo-count")) ctx.cfg.max_repo_count = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-commit-count")) ctx.cfg.max_commit_count = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter")) ctx.cfg.source_filter = new_filter(value, 1); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-log")) ctx.cfg.summary_log = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-branches")) ctx.cfg.summary_branches = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-tags")) ctx.cfg.summary_tags = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "agefile")) ctx.cfg.agefile = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "renamelimit")) ctx.cfg.renamelimit = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "robots")) ctx.cfg.robots = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-prefix")) ctx.cfg.clone_prefix = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "local-time")) ctx.cfg.local_time = atoi(value); else if (!prefixcmp(name, "mimetype.")) add_mimetype(name + 9, value); else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.group")) ctx.cfg.repo_group = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.url")) ctx.repo = cgit_add_repo(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.name")) ctx.repo->name = xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.path")) ctx.repo->path = trim_end(value, '/'); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.clone-url")) ctx.repo->clone_url = xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.desc")) ctx.repo->desc = xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.owner")) ctx.repo->owner = xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.defbranch")) ctx.repo->defbranch = xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.snapshots")) ctx.repo->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots & cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); /* XXX: &? */ else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.enable-log-filecount")) ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount * atoi(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.enable-log-linecount")) ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount * atoi(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.max-stats")) ctx.repo->max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.module-link")) ctx.repo->module_link= xstrdup(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.about-filter")) ctx.repo->about_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.commit-filter")) ctx.repo->commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.source-filter")) ctx.repo->source_filter = new_filter(value, 1); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.readme") && value != NULL) { if (*value == '/') ctx.repo->readme = xstrdup(value); else ctx.repo->readme = xstrdup(fmt("%s/%s", ctx.repo->path, value)); } else if (!strcmp(name, "include")) parse_configfile(value, config_cb); } static void query
# This file should be sourced by all test-scripts
# Main functions:
# prepare_tests(description) - setup for testing, i.e. create repos+config
# run_test(description, script) - run one test, i.e. eval script
# Helper functions
# cgit_query(querystring) - call cgit with the specified querystring
# cgit_url(url) - call cgit with the specified virtual url
# Example script:
# . setup.sh
# prepare_tests "html validation"
# run_test 'repo index' 'cgit_url "/" | tidy -e'
# run_test 'repo summary' 'cgit_url "/foo" | tidy -e'
mkrepo() {
test -d $name && return
printf "Creating testrepo %s\n" $name
mkdir -p $name
cd $name
git init
for ((n=1; n<=count; n++))
echo $n >file-$n
git add file-$n
git commit -m "commit $n"
cd $dir
rm -rf trash/cache
mkdir -p trash/cache
mkrepo trash/repos/foo 5 >/dev/null
mkrepo trash/repos/bar 50 >/dev/null
cat >trash/cgitrc <<EOF
snapshots=tar.gz tar.bz zip
# Do not specify a description for this repo, as it then will be assigned
# the constant value "[no desc